The Veteran Roundtable has several committees dedicated to helping Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses and Veteran Owned Businesses in the United States. The committees are:

Legislative Committee: The Legislative committee is responsible for regular visitation with state senators and congressmen with emphasis on those sympathetic or directly related to our interests, maintaining communications with those state offices positioned to protect and advance the interests of Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB) and Veteran Owned Businesses (VOB), monitoring veteran business legislation in both houses of the legislature, keeping contact with the appointed Veterans Affairs officials within the various state governments.

Corporate Relations: Contact with major corporations participating in federal contracts requiring a sub-contract plan involving SDVOB and VOB sub-contractors. Establish relations with compliance officers at Fortune 500 companies and develop a routine to encourage and verify progress against goals regarding federal contracting requirements.

Membership: Using CCR and other resources, identify the SDVOB’s and VOB’s. Develop a vehicle of communication with and from the owners of these businesses via a newsletter, surveys, seminars, workshops and other means by which to assist earnest state purchasing managers and major federal contractors in finding competent SDVO and VO businesses to satisfy established goals.

Outreach: Establishing contact and communication with VSO’s to build common interests and cooperate in the advancement of those interests. This will require a patient and humble approach to befriend those organizations whose scope and sphere of influence are potentially competing with our own. It is, however, another resource for identifying SDVO and VO businesses to make them aware of our work on their behalf. It is possible that this activity may be folded into membership.

Programs: Identify those areas where SDVO and VO businesses need assistance in succeeding for the purpose of designing and conducting workshops and seminars to that end. This work can be done in cooperation with PTAC, VetBiz Central, etc.

Taskforce: Tracks state and federal incentives for hiring veterans and assists interested Michigan businesses in utilizing those benefits. Provides a forum for employers and labor unions to discuss veteran employment ideas. Facilitates networking among state and federal employment specialists to meet and exchange information and ideas with prospective employers. Assists employers in making the necessary contacts in the appropriate state and federal agencies for assistance in finding and hiring Veterans

If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact

Committee Sign Up
